AMS Sexual Assault Support Center | AMS Sexual Assault Support Center Phone604.827.5180

Request a Workshop or Booth

If you are interested in having the SASC team provide a training, workshop, discussion, table, or other outreach engagement, please complete the form below. We are able to customize workshops according to your organization’s needs provided that your request is completed one month in advance.

The SASC receives a large number of education requests, and we are not always able to fulfill each one.  Moving forward, we kindly ask that your organization to take this into consideration. If, at any point, you believe that your organization will not be able to move forward with your workshop, we kindly ask you to email us, at the latest, 72 hours before the finalized date of the workshop.

For AMS Clubs/Constituencies/Resource Groups, the AMS may penalize groups who fail to cancel workshop and program bookings before the 72-hour deadline. Groups will be automatically charged $20 on their account for each instance and the collected monies will be transferred to the Clubs Benefit Fund. The relevant student services will provide ample communication to the group before the event/programming.  Three consecutive last-minute cancellations will incur the club one strike in Bad Standing.

We are capable of providing workshops in-person or virtually over Zoom.

Please click here to fill out our education/outreach request form